Nigerian American Lawyers Association (NALA)
Nigerian American Lawyers Association (NALA)
Nigerian American Lawyers Association (NALA)
Nigerian American Lawyers Association (NALA)
About Us
The Nigerian American Lawyers Association, Inc. (NALA) was incorporated on February 3, 2015 by visionary lawyers of Nigerian ancestry, living in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. NALA is an organization of licensed Nigerian American attorneys living and working in the United States of America. On October 19, 2015, NALA received its 501(c) non-profit organization status from the Internal Revenue Services.
In its first year, NALA was presented with a “FACE Award” and recognized as the “Outstanding Organization of the Year”. NALA received its Certificate of Registration from the Government of the District of Columbia on August 23, 2019, and continues to be a thriving community for dedicated U.S. attorneys of the Nigerian Diaspora who wish to grow and make a difference in our nation and world.
Upcoming Events

Member Directory
Please contact our members directly if you are in need of their services.

President’s Message
I would like to express my deep gratitude to the founders and past leaders of the Nigerian American Lawyers Association. Their vision and dedication have paved the way for our success. I stand on their shoulders, and I am committed to building upon their legacy.
Nigerian American Lawyers Association, Inc.
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